When citing these papers, be aware of using the right name, title, and pages of each one.
ALPHONSO LINGIS: The Society of Dismembered Body Parts
KATH JONES: Response to Lingis
IAIN HAMILTON GRANT: Energumen Critique
JAMES WILLIAMS: Monitoring vs. Metaphysical Modelling: or, How to predict the future of the postmodern condition
ANDREW GOFFEY: The Cruelty of the (Neo-) Baroque
NICHOLAS BLINCOE: Deleuze and Masochism
LORNA CAMPBELL: Anteros and Intensity
TIMOTHY MURPHY: The Philosophy (of the Theatre) of Cruelty in Gilles Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition
ALISITAIR WELCHMAN: On the Matter of Chaos
JACK FULLER: Distillations: A Premonitory Reading of Deleuze
BRIAN MASSUMI: Everywhere you want to be: Introduction to Fear
NICK LAND: Circuitries
TIMOTHY MURPHY: Bibliography of the Works of Gilles Deleuze

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